About Andrew Knight New Canaan

Andrew Knight New Canaan


Andrew Knight New CanaanA popular web developer known as Andrew Knight, who’s currently a New Canaan resident, has been helping small businesses build their online presence for years. A wide variety of businesses use his services and expertise to optimize their online residence. Since youth, he has been involved with computers since the early age of 12. An autodidact at heart, Andrew Knight, has taught himself the implementation of Javascript, CSS, as well as HTML.

Majoring in system development in college, he developed a passion for online branding, as well as digital marketing. His main intentions are developing engaging content for his clients by informing visitors, improving SEO optimization, eventually leading to conversions. Over the past few years, he’s been regarded as an expert in the field of branding an online presence for clients.

Andrew Knight initially began his business venture by studying web development. With his studying, he had a realization that there was a demand for high-quality web designs. He then began his career as a freelance front-end developer. His company became profitable roughly in about four years. His company specializes in web design, as well as brand awareness for small to mid-sized organizations. He focuses mainly on building an online presence for various companies, which has been vamped with the implementation of social media. This highly regarded web-developer, notably within the tech industry, has gained a respected reputation amongst his clients. From web design to consumer analytics, content creation, and of course lead generation. He has helped clients increase their online presence tenfold.

One trend that he plans to initiate is the blockchain technology as well as artificial intelligence or AI for short. These technologies are endless when it comes to website development and enhancement. These technological advancements can be beneficial when it comes to effectively servicing potential clients.

As a resident of New Canaan, Connecticut he relocated to be closer to his business contacts with are predominantly in the real estate business in the New York area. Even though he is a sought-after web developer, currently with a workload of three to five projects monthly. He still finds time to travel leisurely, as he believes it to be a die-hard passion of his. The balance of work and play is imperative to his success. He tends to be fascinated by historical attractions. Also as an avid traveler, it’s gratifying when he gets to experience these physical attractions in person.

With the current implementation of Accelerated Mobile Page, or AMP for short. Which is essentially a project created by Google to make mobile pages operate more quickly and efficiently. A revamped version of HTML. Designed to be more efficient also containing better designs, to make loading web pages faster. Andrew seems to be excited about this new technology which he plans on implementing to future clients.

He obtained his first client by the mean of the traditional way, cold-calling. Companies that were out-dated would be the perfect prospects to have his services implement it. Social media has been a great marketing strategy, as well as referrals, which has had a great impact on his business and success. But the best marketing strategy he has experienced is through Linkedin as well as word-of-mouth. A satisfied customer will always reference your services in a positive light. Passive marketing is the best kind of exposure.

Marketing automation and AI technology such as UserIQ has been an essential tool for his clients. With more and more companies downsizing. Many of them are now seeking to enhance their marketing efforts. Hiring an outside firm or contractor seems to reap greater benefits than the traditional in-house marketing tactics. These implementations have created a greater demand for many company’s products and services. As well as more effectively and efficiently. This is where marketing automation thrives.

Bottom line, if you want your business to be streamlined and operate optimally. Then Mr. Knight is a go-to front-end developer for your business needs. With his years of expertise and an impressive client list, you will be confident assured to reap the rewards of investing in his services. My suggestion is to contact some of his previous clients to get some reviews on their personal experience with him.