Guest Post – Andrew Knight New Canaan Thu, 06 Jun 2019 18:04:51 +0000 en-US hourly 1 How to Grow Your Home Improvement Business Thu, 06 Jun 2019 18:04:47 +0000 Growing your home improvement business involves taking a lot of steps along the way. But as you work through each of these steps, you should think about yourself differently. You’re a business owner first and a builder second. That doesn’t mean your work should go to the wayside though. 

But you have to consider the bigger picture. Determine how your business will grow, what resources to invest in, and how you’ll market your business. Here are seven tips for growing your home improvement business.

1. Have a Vision

How do you want to grow your business? You shouldn’t just take on any project that comes your way. You should determine how you will plan to grow and expand your business. Do you want to attract larger projects or smaller jobs? 

Do you want to specialize in a certain area, such as additions, LEED-certified renovations, new home builds, or solar roofing? Do you want to specialize in dock construction? Having a specialty can help you stand out among from your competitors in the industry, especially when people search for a specific service on the internet. Most people tend to trust specialists over generalists

2. Look at Your Resources

How do you attract more customers? How do you plan to serve those customers once you get them? Take a look at the resources you already use. Will you need more dock accessories and dock supplies? 

Do you need to invest in more equipment and technology? Do you need more dock material? Hire someone who can oversee the project as well as your materials. As business improves, so will your workload — and you’ll need more equipment and more people to handle it. Think carefully about how you plan to scale your business as demand grows. 

3. Build a Great Team

The moment that your business grows, you won’t be able to handle it all by yourself. But even if you hire more people, you may still want things to be done the way you did them. Resist this urge to jump in and help. Allow your employees to do what you hired them to do. 

If you feel confident about their skills, then be confident in their ability to perform well on the job. Set expectations and train them the skills they need, and then let them get to work. Don’t micromanage your workers. This will prove to them that you don’t have confidence in their skills.

4. Use Word of Mouth

Word of mouth advertising is not something that can be invested with money. You don’t invest in this form of advertising the way you do with a Facebook Ads campaign. But you will invest in the time it takes to complete a job to perfection and to respond to customer concerns in an efficient manner. You will also invest in how you treat each of your customers. 

Customers who love your business will tell others about it and can become the best resource for referrals and repeat business. It’s important to treat them well. No matter what project you’re working on, your customers should become your main priority. 

5. Find New Opportunities

Your business will flourish through word of mouth, but it’s important to find other opportunities that come across your path. That involves connecting with others in your community and networking at business conferences and events. You should always be on the lookout for architects, contractors, homeowners, and other professionals in your field. You should also network with professionals who have the same customer base that you do. 

Maybe you can both team up to better serve the community. Maybe you can help promote each other’s business or services. The more you reach out to others, the more opportunities you create for yourself. 

6. Invest in Technology

When you’re investing in the right technology, it’s all about the right tools. You may have the right dock accessories and dock supplies, but you need technology tools as well. They can help you get work done quickly, more efficiently, and without the unnecessary stress. High-quality technology propels your business forward, so invest in e-mail marketing tools that help you attract more customers. You should also use up-to-date dock material and equipment for each project that you work on. 

7. Take Risks

Growing your dock construction business involves some sort of risk. But most of those risks can pay off in the long run. For most home improvement businesses, it’s worth some of those risks. However, you don’t want to grow your business so much that you come across legal problems and other issues. Talk to a lawyer to ensure that your contracts are up to date and the terms are clear. 

Put NDAs and non-compete agreements in place. Consider environmental risks and regulations, insurance coverage questions, labor issues, and union policies that will be included with this increased growth. Determine how you will handle each of these risks as time goes on, so you’re not unprepared at the wrong time. 

Enjoy what you do. Your business is at its peak and there are plenty of opportunities ahead. These tips should help you take the first step and to keep working to where you want to be. 

Wasif Vimawala on the Latest Career Prospects in Finance Tue, 07 May 2019 18:09:34 +0000 Finance studies broadly examine strategies to acquire and manage funds. The education is fundamental in promoting financial literacy alongside sound decision making when it comes to personal finance. Students pursuing a bachelor’s degree in finance can take up jobs at non-profit organizations, government and corporate entities. A report from the BLS shows business and financial operations occupations will grow by a staggering 10% between 2016 and 2026. According to the Purdue University career blog, the top jobs in the finance sector include:

Finance manager – the finance manager is normally assigned the task of developing and maintaining a company’s overall financial portfolio. The duties usually vary depending on the size of the company. The core areas of operation include reviewing financial reports, managing budgets, assessing investment performance and managing employees in the finance department. 

Personal financial advisor – the advisor is one of the fastest growing careers in the finance sector. Depending on the company profile, the advisor can also be referred to as wealth manager and financial planner. The advice offered by personal financial advisor essentially centers around prudent money management in areas like savings, insurance, investments and pensions. 

Financial analyst – the analyst is tasked with collating and analyzing financial data and keeping the employer informed about investment opportunities and market trends. The advice offered by a financial analyst can help a company steer away from potentially disastrous financial decisions or investments. 

Actuaries – an actuary usually offers advisory opinions, assessments and forecasts on future financial risks. The forecasts are normally based on scientifically approved probability theories, mathematical modeling techniques and statistical modeling. Most actuaries work for pension funds, banks, and insurance companies. 

The other rewarding jobs in the finance sector include credit analyst, budget analyst, loan officer and general operations manager. Because of the subtleties of the job market, you can find a finance job before or after graduating with your bachelor’s degree in finance, however a degree is often a required substitute for experience when first starting out. According to Investopedia, here are 5 tips that will increase your chances of getting a finance job:

1. Find an internship
Having background knowledge is important when applying for any job. An internship can help you gain crucial hands on experience and build a strong work ethic. The other benefits of an internship include professional referrals, ample networking opportunities and a chance to get the job you have always wanted. Although companies usually provide orientation and training programs to bridge the divide, this does not negate the importance of internship.

2. Make early moves
You can bolster your professional credentials and work experience by repeatedly enrolling in summer internships while in college. Getting a paid internship can help you offset some of your personal bills and prepare yourself for an eventful career ahead. One of the best internship positions to consider for finance students is helping at a local investment advisory center. 

3. Diversify your internship experiences
Even as you eye more internship opportunities to boost your experience and on-job placement, it is important to diversify your engagements. For instance, consider taking internships in different companies or departments to beef up your resume. Having a multi-sectorial industry perspective can also place you at an advantage during employment. Remember, the different areas or branches of finance are all interlinked in one way or the other.

4. Finance concentrations and interest
Although people with different majors may be hired to work at various finance designations, having a business oriented major like finance or economics will always place you at an advantage during the job hunt. To stay on the right track in knowledge matters, form a habit of routinely reading and following financial news. Leading financial publications like the Economist, Financial Times and The Wall Street Journal are often offered to students at the discounted rates. There are also many resourceful websites to add to your reading list.

5. Become CFA certified
The finance job market is among the most competitive anywhere. Whenever a senior finance job is advertised, it is likely you will be competing against applicants with great GPAs and professional certifications. Some of the applicants will be graduates from respected business schools. To succeed, you must find ways to stand out. One of the strategies is to obtain a CFA certification (Chartered Financial Analyst). Taking time to sit and pass the CFA exams will show employers and finance peers alike your dedication to the field of finance and professionalism. 

Wasif Vimawala is a senior year student at DePaul University in Chicago. He is majoring in Finance, which has been his favorite subject since as early as high school. The focus on finance has seen him take an interest in the stock market and participate in various debates. Outside of college, Wasif Vimawala is an avowed foodie. He also enjoys traveling and listening to music.
