Technology – Andrew Knight New Canaan Tue, 21 Jan 2020 19:20:59 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Which Messaging API Is Best For Your Organization Tue, 21 Jan 2020 19:20:54 +0000 If you’re building an app, it won’t be long until the need to decide on which messaging API to use arises. Naturally, the answer to that question comes from answering a series of shorter queries about what needs are dearest for the app and user base.

Choose the Best Messaging Platform

These days, app developers are more concerned about mobile engagement than ever. They crave tools that make increasing and monitoring engagement straightforward. The ability to send customizable, intelligent messages is a powerful asset for a brand that wants to tell its story to a defined audience. The best APIs also provide full suites of support functions for mobile engagement. That includes giving the app administrator the power to automate, track, and make sense of engagement and marketing initiatives using messaging platforms.

Unleash the Power of Text Messaging

Gain more power when you tap into an SMS API. Email marketing is losing its strength as SMS rises in prominence. Add a full range of features when you implement a leading SMS API with the comprehensive feature set you require.

Companies are looking to boost engagement and tools to deliver brand experiences across the full range of screens. They also feel the right platform helps them communicate with their customers so that they can build long-term relationships.

Not only do people use their phones as their primary network tool, but they also engage with apps. Companies that want to communicate with them or get to them to take action are best off doing it in-app. They rarely use mobile web browsing once they discover apps, so use a platform that supports the most features. That way, it’s possible to keep your users coming back for more.

Consider three primary benefits of using a platform API for text messaging.

  • Leveraging a cloud-based, global platform makes it easy to integrate existing technology while expanding rapidly.
  • Automating your clients or your internal compliance issues becomes straightforward.
  • It’s simple to transform digital mobile strategies. Stay one step ahead o the competition with the right technology in place.

It’s possible to fall behind your primary rivals as the age of engagement arrives. Without putting a strategy in place, it’s possible to lose customers who go to other services with more features. APIs mean your team can integrate a diverse feature-set with a few lines of code. There’s no reason to concede any part of the marketing when you can leverage the power of a leading messaging platform.

Many companies are competing to be our mobile marketing platform. Once you decide on the features that mean the most and you do a thorough technology audit, you’ll be in a position to choose one that’s ideal. This sector continues to grow because the ROI is provable, and customers enjoy their experience.

It’s never too late to tap into an API. That’s the quick way to catch up and move forward using technology. The average person is tired of the noise and craves personalized messaging that shows companies understand their needs. Failing to deliver it will cause them to look for alternatives. Catering to their desires will help any company build a massive, engaged user base that comes back day after day. Invest in a proven solution that will grow along with your customers

What to Do If Ransomware Gets On Your Computer? Fri, 22 Nov 2019 16:14:01 +0000 Security briefings point to rising cases of Ransomware attacks. Ransomware are malicious software’s that will attack your computer and deny you any form of control. The malicious software’s often spread through phishing emails, presented as spam or malspam and attachments. According to security and risk management site, CSO Online, the global losses attributed to Ransomware stood at $5 billion in 2017. The amount includes the lost time and paid ransom. Most attacks target medical organizations such as hospitals and health insurance providers. Governments may suffer huge losses because they hold critical information.

How Ransomware works

An article by Malware bytes reveals that malspam works by tricking people using proven social engineering strategies. For instance, the attack may pose as a trusted FBI agent to scare. The attacker can also masquerader as a legitimate PDF or document file. Reports also show rising cases of malicious advertising, also called malvertising, which are essentially a false advertising strategy designed to spread malware. What is more worrying is the fact that attacks by malvertising can happen even if you do not click or open the feigned advertisement. The technique spreads malware using an invisible element attached to an assigned webpage.

The main types of malware

Scareware – scarewares are the least harmful form of malware. Examples of scareware include technical support scams and rogue security software.

Screen lockers – this form of malware will deny you access by freezing your screen. The screen my feature a pseudo page from the FBI warning you about an illegal activity in your system. You will then be asked to pay a specified penalty.

Encryption Ransomware – an attack by encryption Ransomware are usually brutal because the malware will take over your files and deny you any access through encrypt. Once the files are encrypted, the attacker will demand a ransom payment.

How to prevent Ransomware and take control of your computer

Some of the measures recommended by CISA Cyber Infrastructure, to fight or prevent Ransomware include:

• Updating your software and operating systems to seal all the loopholes. Remember, outdated software’s are more vulnerable to different forms of cyber-attacks.
• Avoid the temptation of clicking or opening links you do not know or cannot verify
• Follow safe browsing practices when operating online
• Make every effort to back up your data regularly. It also helps to invest in offline storage
• Get an expert to help you setup firewalls that will block access to suspect IP addresses

Get the most reliable support against malware!

Remedial measures are highly recommended when a Ransomware attack is established. You can start by hiring the services of a data recovery specialist. Tech Live Connect are masters in dealing with Ransomware and other forms of cyber-attacks. The solutions offered by the global software support provider are up-to-date to ensure your most valued data are protected against online attacks. You can get in touch with Tech Live Connect 24/7 via phone, Live Chat and Twitter. A live team of experts and engineers is always on standby to offer support

PCIHIPAA Reviews Remain Favorable Thu, 16 May 2019 02:17:29 +0000

PCIHIPAA has been featured in the Augusta Free Press. PCIHIPAA reviews remain favorable. In their recent article titled, ‘How to pick the best merchant processing company for your business’ they mention the following:

You should look into PCIHIPAA reviews to find out what other businesses are saying about specific companies. It’s one way to cut through the marketing material and find out the truth. Other companies have no incentive to promote a company, so you know that the opinion you’re getting is open and honest

To read the full article visit:

How to Decide Which Data to Capture from Your Customers Sun, 28 Oct 2018 21:00:51 +0000 The Delicate Art of Collecting Data Responsibly

It has always been important for businesses to gather data on their clients. In today’s market, one of the real problems isn’t figuring out how to get the data, but figuring out which data to get. Even if you are using the master data management services from a company like Profisee, you still have to figure out the data that’s important to you. Fortunately, you can find the right data easier by asking yourself three basic questions.

Will You Use It?

One of the most common mistakes made in data collection is failure to use the data collected from customers. Smart business spending really can benefit from the axiom of “waste not, want not”, so make sure that you’re never trying to collect data that you aren’t going to use. Not only will this make it harder for you to sift through your relevant data, but it will also boost the effort needed to collect customer data from the very beginning.

For most businesses, this means targeting the data that you collect. Every business needs to collect the basics (location and identification data), and any business that sells products or services online needs to gather transactional data (transaction history and frequency). Beyond this, there’s actually a wide field of data that you can collect from your customers, but it’s worth neither your time nor your effort if you aren’t actually going to use that data. It’s better to have a narrow focus and use everything you have than to have a wide focus and ignore most of the collected data when you are done.

Will It Benefit You?

Business decisions have become increasingly data driven. That’s why so many businesses are turning towards master data management services from companies like Profisee and why the process of collecting consumer data has become such a huge part of the industry. Gathering this data is not, however, something that needs to be done for its own sake. When you look at the data you’re gathering, you have to determine if doing so is actually worth the time and money you’re spending on the project. In short, you need to determine if the data points you are collecting will benefit you.

It’s important to ask yourself if the data you are collecting will allow you to make better business decisions. In most cases, simple things like personal and transactional data will be easy to justify gathering. After all, knowing where your customers are located and when they shop with you has always been something that businesses need to know. When it comes to other forms of data, you might not get much of an actionable benefit from the data gleaned. If you run an online shoe store, for example, you probably won’t get much value from finding out the general computer specs of your average site visitor. Focusing more on mobile versus PC numbers, on the other hand, might give you the data you need to improve your site.

Will Customers Mind?

One of your primary goals in gathering consumer data should be to create a better customer experience. While the profit motive is very important, the end goal of this data collection should always have the goal of making the buying experience better for the subjects of your collection projects. You’re not just looking to gather data for fun – you’re trying to make a site that better caters to the needs of those who shop with you or use your services. As such, it’s important to make sure that your data collection process isn’t one that alienates your core clientele.

Despite online calls to the contrary, the average consumer doesn’t really care enough about his or her own personal data to make a change in the way he or she shops. In most cases, the biggest barrier in terms of consumer engagement is how hard you make this data gathering process. If you’re putting up multiple walls between the consumer and what he or she wants, you’re going to turn off customers. This means that you may have the customer’s data, but you won’t have his or her money. If your customers are being turned away by the way you collect data, you’re not making the right choices.

If you want to make sure you get the right data from your customers, ask the three questions above. Know if you’ll use the data, if the data will be beneficial to you, and if gathering that data will turn away customers. Once you know these answers, you can start gathering the data that matters the most to your business.


4 Ways To Future-Proof Your SaaS Business Tue, 17 Jul 2018 01:57:25 +0000
Software and a focus on customer success through AI is the key to long term business growth.

Technology is a fast-evolving industry. With so many new software making headlines every year, it may be difficult to maintain your business’ relevance. This is especially true for your SaaS business, which should always be updated with the most useful and affordable services to get ahead of the competition.

According to digital experts, many SaaS businesses fail within 1-2 years of their launch. There are several reasons why SaaS companies might struggle:

  • Lack of market demand – in any business, it is important to pin down a niche so that your company has a defined set of clients. However, a business may be at risk of losing actual clients when their services are “too niche” to the point that there’s no actual market demand.
  • The competition is better – although your software may be spectacular, it may just be one face among many others that strive to shine. In this scenario, the lack of market demand isn’t the problem. Although competition is healthy to some extent, it may be too overpowering to the point that many SaaS companies find themselves buried in the heap.
  • Poor operational strategy – a part of keeping a SaaS business successful is keeping your clients happy. There could be mishaps such as poor customer service, software glitches, and bugs, or the lack of innovation that makes the software rendered useless.

As we pinpoint the causes of SaaS business failure, we now look ahead to the ways we can make our software business run strongly towards the future.

4 Ways To Future-Proof Your SaaS Business


  1. Look ahead, but don’t forget to look sideways

Sometimes, there’s also a purpose with looking sideways to keep your SaaS business afloat and speeding up. An example would be the success of Snapchat versus Facebook and Instagram. Initially, millennials were drawn to the microblogging nature of Snapchat, posting and sending “snaps” to each other almost instantaneously. What did Facebook and Instagram do? They looked sideways towards the competition and saw that they could make their own version–through FB and Instagram stories. Thankfully, the effort paid off and now users were retained in their respective social media platforms.

The same can be said for SaaS businesses. Whatever your competition is doing right, find a way to make it better. Look sideways and analyze how you can incorporate trends in your business.

  1. Ask feedback from your audience

Oftentimes, many businesses forget that their audience is a goldmine of ideas. One of the most useful ways to understand how to future-proof your SaaS is to know what your users like.

What seems to be currently lacking in your services? What upgrades are needed to reduce customer churn? Do they feel like they have maximized your services already to the point that they could no longer benefit from it? Maintaining your users is as important,  if not more important, than getting new ones. Lead generation is essential, but customer retention creates more profits in the long run.

  1. Provide unbeatable value to your clients

Many SaaS companies are hesitant to give away something for free. Little do they know that these strategies are what makes a company valuable in the eyes of their users.

A good example of this is Blinkist. Although Blinkist has a premium service which lets you read book summaries of self-improvement titles, they give users a free option of reading one editor-picked book a day. This gives the users a “sneak-peak” of what it’s like to experience their quality service, and in turn, acts as a lead capturing device to help more customers sign up for their premium offers.

  1. Incorporate the use of AI to improve operational systems

Another way to reduce customer churn is through AI services such as UserIQ. UserIQ offers automated services to improve the customer onboarding experience and to improve customer retention. These may include tools such as better user interaction within your website, optimization of your SaaS flagship services, and intuitive analytics which can help you identify your strengths and weaknesses as a business.

SaaS is a business that requires innovation and edge against the competition. With the right tools, you can make your SaaS profitable for the future.


New Technology Makes Marketing Departments Obsolete Fri, 13 Jul 2018 14:48:24 +0000 Technological development, thanks in part to an extraordinary vision for the future and a positively dizzying pace of innovation, continues to inspire reactions spanning the full spectrum of human emotion, yielding excitement and enthusiasm among the more optimistic segments of society while simultaneously provoking fear and angst among those with a more natural inclination toward cynicism.

At the risk of stating the obvious, technology brings change, and change necessitates some kind of adaptive response. In 1945’s The Mind at the End of its Tether, the famed English author and futurist H.G. Wells leveled a timeless declaration:

“Adapt or perish, now as ever, is Nature’s inexorable imperative.”

Wells, who correctly predicted a future featuring airplanes, climate change, nuclear weaponry, satellite TV, space exploration, armored tanks, and the internet, may not have considered how technological development would eventually influence the field of marketing, yet the brilliant futurist’s declaration is particularly appropriate given the manner in which rapid technological innovation is profoundly altering the profession.

Technological innovation, for all the benefits proffered to clients, publishers, and other advertising networks has left the professionals occupying those marketing firms and in-house marketing departments wondering if they will soon be rendered obsolete. There are even those who believe recent technological developments have already succeeded in doing so.

Marketing automation and machine learning technologies, along with a host of other technological developments, have inspired a genuine existential crisis among marketers, and marketing departments have only two options to credibly consider: Adapt or perish.

The Far-Reaching Impact of Marketing Automation and Machine Learning

Among tech companies, it is only recently that digital marketing spending surpassed non-digital spending. In light of this development, it is only logical to conclude that such a shift in budgetary allocation would align more or less equally with the percentage of a marketing firm’s revenue generated from digital versus non-digital marketing efforts. This has not been the case.

With the development of marketing automation and machine learning technologies, companies are increasingly turning away from marketing firms or downsizing in-house marketing departments. Instead of hiring an outside firm or working with an in-house department dedicated solely to marketing, these organizations are now able to generate demand for products and services in a far more efficient and effective manner.

The impact of marketing automation technology is already quite apparent industry-wide. Machine learning, while already widely used in a wide variety of industries (including the marketing industry, of course), still remains in its infancy. Machine learning is currently being utilized to help organizations sift through mountains of collected data to recognize patterns and/or offer predictions culled from what would otherwise be an incomprehensible set of data.

Marketing Departments and the New Technological Challenges on the Horizon

As machine learning continues to evolve and becomes increasingly sophisticated, it will be able to do much more than simply identifying, for example, a qualified lead based on an organization’s specific lead-scoring system. In the not too distant future, it is easy to imagine organizations utilizing machine learning technologies to develop distinct marketing campaigns — including the actual writing of the marketing copy used by the campaign to specifically appeal to each segment of a company’s target audience.

With enough data at its disposal, machine-learning technologies will be able to accurately determine what an individual customer is thinking or feeling at any given moment, thereby making it possible to correctly predict future behavior. Having advance knowledge of what a customer will do has a number of obvious implications for the future of marketing, and companies will certainly benefit from the cost efficiencies made possible thanks to the development of machine learning technologies.

It is no surprise, then, that many marketing firms and departments have adopted a fatalistic view of the future. With the promise and potential of machine learning technology — not to mention a whole host of other technologies now visible on the horizon — the skill set held by marketing professionals could soon be rendered obsolete and far too costly by comparison.

“Adapt or Perish”: Technology’s Inexorable Imperative

Despite the fatalistic view adopted by a segment of the marketing profession, the inexorable imperative outlined by Wells so many years ago still features two distinct options. Marketing firms and departments that fail to adapt to an environment increasingly dominated by technological innovation will most certainly perish.

It is hardly a foregone conclusion, however, that marketing professionals will have nothing left to offer as new marketing technologies become increasingly sophisticated. To paraphrase Wells: Now as ever, marketing departments must adapt in ways that provide clear value to the client — the kind of value that cannot be provided by technology.

While some, as was the case with Wells, possess the ability to see the future with remarkable clarity, predictions for the future remain anything but certain. It was only a few years ago that there was near-universal agreement that e-books would soon eliminate any demand for newly published works to be printed on paper.

Despite the obvious threat posed by the e-book, based on the most recently available data bookstore revenue is up by 2 percent; e-book revenue declined by 11 percent during that same time. If marketing departments are to avoid a future in which they are ultimately consigned to antiquity, they must continually adapt and innovate at the pace of technological development while creating new ways to offer value to clients.

